2013 was surely an eye-opening year for the print industry. New products, new workflow solutions, and new application ideas debuted in the market at a rate that was almost impossible to keep up with. The good news in this is that now a clear path to the future has emerged. Read on as Mal Baboyian, our Executive Vice President, and Barb Pellow, Group Director at InfoTrends walk us down that path.
Canon Solutions America: Taking Care of Business
After a full year of integrating resources and production organizations, we can confidently say that we’re ready for the future. Mal Baboyian provides details on a promising future.
2014: It’s Time to Embrace Change
Barb Pellow, industry expert from InfoTrends, presents the top 10 trends that will likely fuel the direction of our industry all this year and beyond. Barb also demonstrates the importance of embracing change now rather than playing catch up later.