As a savvy book printer, you’re likely starting the new year with a resolution to optimize business performance and profitability. Achieving excellence in 2024 demands a close look at every operational aspect, from hiring and retaining staff to investment in technology that enhances productivity.
Canon Solutions America is committed to supporting your success. That’s why we’re sharing this article from NAPCO Research summarizing 11 production digital printing trends that will drive the industry’s competitive landscape in the year ahead, plus actionable recommendations for meeting their corresponding challenges.
Pathways to Success in 2024
A summary of 11 key trends influencing the printing industry in the year ahead, featured in the new NAPCO Research report on production digital printing.

Production Digital Printing 2024: Pathways to Success in the Year Ahead
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on the Production Print Resource Center.

Converting New Customer Dynamics to Print Sales
Register now for free access to this and many other great resources
on the Production Print Resource Center.