When asked to explain why they chose Canon inkjet, our customers usually have a ready answer. For Chris Cochrane and Shane Parker—CEO and president respectively of the fourth-highest revenue producer in the PIP network— that answer is Canon Solutions America’s industry leadership and commitment to evolving inkjet technology.
Read this article to learn how Chris, Shane, and their team in Peoria, IL rely on the Canon varioPRINT iX-series inkjet press with integrated PRISMA workflow to “offer all things to all customers at the quality and speed we need to be profitable.”
Arna Marketing Group Invests in Canon Inkjet Technology to Deliver “The Arna Advantage”
Leaders of the Peoria-based PIP franchise knew they had to step up to inkjet technology in order to grow and become more profitable. Discover why they chose Canon.

How Web-to-Print Is Driving Inkjet Success
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on the Production Print Resource Center.

varioPRINT iX-series Detailed Press Demo
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on the Production Print Resource Center.