Vast improvements in the quality and speed of today’s production inkjet systems have opened the door for commercial printers to pass along significant advantages to their customers, and the advantages of variable data printing provide opportunities offset simply can’t touch.
At the recent Inkjet Summit held in Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida, April 27-29, 2015, Darren Loken, President of K&H Integrated Print Solutions, described why and how his firm made the transition to digital inkjet technology. We think you’d enjoy reading his presentation, INKJET SUMMIT 2015 COMMERCIAL CASE STUDY, which describes how his firm transferred election ballot and direct mail jobs to a complete inline production color inkjet process. The firm has been so pleased with the transition, Darren says he “will never buy offset again.” He is also looking to replace existing toner-based cutsheet devices with cutsheet inkjet sometime in the future.
In a second presentation at the Inkjet Summit, Dave Johannes, Senior Vice President of Operations for IWCO Direct, one of the nation’s largest providers of direct mail solutions, used the benefits of variable data printing to enhance direct mail response rates for one of the firm’s insurance clients. High-speed color inkjet technology allowed the client’s marketers to combine consumer data with creative strategies to produce highly personal and relevant direct mail offers that increased their return on investment. Read his presentation, INKJET SUMMIT 2015 DIRECT MAIL BUSINESS CASE STUDY, to get ideas that may help some of your clients, too.
These print service providers recognized that today’s production inkjet technology presents new opportunities in speed, cost, flexibility, and production automation. And they viewed its adoption as a competitive advantage in their markets. Canon Solutions America is committed to help you succeed with white-paper-in to finished-product-out solutions.
Let us know if we can be of help in evaluating how production color inkjet technology can benefit your business.